Learn about us and experience why we’re than just words and promises, we thrive on commitment!
It all starts when you sign up and select the locations where you’d like to receive potential customers. On average, Leadlynx sends approximately 1 to 2 referrals each month, depending on the package you select.
All referrals will have already provided key information, including their timeline, budget, any requested pricing, recent renovations or appraisals, and more.
When customers plan to sell their property in over 30 days, we aim to schedule an appointment for you within the next 24 to 48 hours.
We leverage various platforms, including search engines, social media, and websites, to connect people with real estate professionals. Our focus is on reaching out to homeowners with expired listings and short sales to enhance the likelihood of earning commissions when a sale is successful.
We are dedicated to empowering our agents by offering 24/7 support to help them grow their business. Our goal is to ensure they have the resources and assistance they need at any time, day or night, to thrive in a competitive market.
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